Writing Prompt: Working for an up-and-coming tyrannical overlord is hard, thankless, morally troubling work, but at least you get dental. (source) It ain't easy being a henchman, especially a being a henchman for a start up super villain. The world of villainy isn't an easy one to get into either, with so many established … Continue reading The Subtle Silhouette
Month: May 2020
D’heet Z’hin
Writing Prompt: You were the chosen one as your parents only child. You have trained for years, sacrificed your childhood and accepted your fate to destroy the evil of the land. One day your brother is born and it is discovered he is the true chosen one not you. (source) My birth had been … Continue reading D’heet Z’hin
Writing Prompt: (character) has telepathic abilities. Trouble is they can't turn it off so have to hear people's thoughts all the time. Good detective though. (source) .... this coffee's a little bitter, I should add some cream.... .... I’m getting tired of my beat; I need to speak to the captain... . ...the psycho's … Continue reading Rain
Perfectly Reasonable
Writing Prompt: You are a ghost, who've been haunting a house for years. Most people left after a few days, some can last few weeks. You've been a mighty ghost, until a scientist moved in. He had stayed for 2 years and keeps coming up with scientific explanations for all your tricks. (source) The … Continue reading Perfectly Reasonable