How strange is it that the time between our births and deaths are arbitrarily decided by a calendar invented and maintained only by humans, and yet that has always been the way. I was born on March 31st, 1990 and once I arrived into the world kicking and screaming the maternity ward’s oracles divined my … Continue reading The Twenty-Niners
Category: Writing Prompt
Content warning Suicide What had once been a brick wall had been covered and dissolved into the blossoming growth of the vines. Little creepers moving at the speed of life twisted and dug their tiny tendrils into the red brick and mortar of the once solid wall, digging into the crevasses and forming a wedge … Continue reading Vines
Abinmo & David
Abinmo had just finished his final probing of his human subject. The machinery of the Human Analysis 5000™️ (New Millennium Edition) sighed as the various pneumatic tubes relieved their pressure and pulled out the ends of each probe from every opening larger than a space quarter of the human's flesh. A simple bag and tag … Continue reading Abinmo & David
The Worst Trail Guide Ever
We had entered deep into the woods, far past the reach of a usual day hiker who just needed to get out for a few hours before returning to the comforts of their urban life. Out here the trails had a little less wear to them, with the force of the natural world pushing ever … Continue reading The Worst Trail Guide Ever
John the Conman: Or Why One Should Never Impersonate an Old God Upon His Return
The return of Dar’goth had been long prophesied for the latter half of the decade. The old god of unspeakable horrors would soon emerge in the form of human flesh an avatar for his conquest. As Dar’goth would soon march across the countryside carrying with him a tome of unspeakable magic bound by human flesh, … Continue reading John the Conman: Or Why One Should Never Impersonate an Old God Upon His Return
A Donkey’s Wisdom
For as long as I remember, this mountaintop has been my home. Sitting atop my humble nest of rock and the shirts off of men and women's backs, I meditate until a new student arises over the mountain's crest. Today a man in a yellow shirt arrived, side by side with a donkey carrying all … Continue reading A Donkey’s Wisdom
Within the Tower
Removing the dragon's head was not easy. My opponent laid stunned and incapacitated from a magical potion I had finally managed to throw at it when the dragon's fatigue, much like my own, had begun to catch up to it. Its long neck of golden scales like chain mail laid across the ground, a prisoner … Continue reading Within the Tower
Pigeon Cop
High above the city I glide looking between the chasms of road sitting between towering buildings when I see my target. A man in a black sweater and red cap, dashing through the crowded sidewalks. My training kicks in and I glide down from high above like my eagle brethren snatching a snake from the … Continue reading Pigeon Cop
The Last Apple
The empty aisles of the long-forgotten supermarket are laden with dust and empty shelves. The food here has been long consumed and raided by survivors ever since the uprising. What little organic matter that lays within the confines of the old abandoned box store has been taken by the rats or turned to mush through … Continue reading The Last Apple
Code Inspection
It's not often that a writing prompt truly captivates me for more than a few hundred words. With the exception of a few 1000+ word stories written in response to a few prompts such as Retirement, Boxed In, The LSA, to name a few, most of my responses are fairly short. Not to mention that … Continue reading Code Inspection