Ratman Found Guilty of All Child Abuse Charges!

Originally submitted for this writing prompt. —— Mega City - Justice has been served, but to whom? In another landmark trial another masked hero has been successfully convicted of child abuse. In a unanimous decision by the jury, Wayne “Ratman” Banner, 39, has been found guilty of thirty accounts of endangering a minor, the most … Continue reading Ratman Found Guilty of All Child Abuse Charges!


I've fallen out of the habit of these weekly flash fiction prompts. Well, I'm back with a short story about some cassettes in the attic. https://imgur.com/a/nt2RgIi I got myself a cassette player. A Sony Walkman to be exact. Bought it off a retro electronics store online for a hundred and ten bucks. A steep price … Continue reading Cassettes

The Bowl

Not sure where this idea came from, but it's something spooky for Halloween. (Who thought that a picture of sugar could spark those thoughts?) https://imgur.com/a/t9KVliO They ate in silence, the air between them only filled with the sounds of their forks and knives as their utensils scraped against the gray porcelain plates. Mike opted for … Continue reading The Bowl

The Last Voyage of the Sea King

Written for the weekly prompt of the I Am A Writer Facebook Group (I should probably create a tag or category for these at this point, right now they're under the Flash Fiction category. Photo prompt: https://imgur.com/a/RSQGtCU The sea had long risen above the coastal land, beaches had moved miles inland and coastal communities had … Continue reading The Last Voyage of the Sea King