Written for the weekly prompt on the I Am A Writer Facebook Group
Somewhere within the neighborhood, between 1507 Windward Street and 1509 Windward Street, just where the lots begin to become overgrown with the dull green plant species that make up the wild underbrush of the neighborhood, rest the Lonely Grave.
Upon first glance you might miss it. The lot has been reclaimed by nature long long ago, or – as some neighborhood residents might tell you – the lot had never been developed on and what you see is what remains of the old forest that laid upon these grounds. The lot rest under an eternal canopy of shade, the trees that remain protect the residents of the lot from The Brightness above. Within the trees protections the native wildlife of the neighborhood take refuge hiding within the brush and vines that cover the lot. You’d think that mankind had never touched this pristine piece of land, and to an extent you would be right.
You see, if you were to venture into the deep brush of the untouched lot, and wade through the brush and make your way towards the right besides the pecan tree that sits just off center, you’ll find a headstone in the shape of a crucifix. It’s white limestone body untouched by the native fauna but its contents weathered by time. Nobody knows who’s buried within the lonely grave, but the neighborhood residents all agree on giving it some space.